To create an account, go to ArcGIS Online:
Click Create an account.
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Scroll down: Under Create a public account, click Create an ArcGIS Public Account.
Type your first name, last name, and email address. Retype your email address to confirm.
Read the ArcGIS Online terms of use and privacy policy.
Check the boxes to agree to the terms and policy and click Next.
ArcGIS Online sends you an email with a link to continue the creation of your account. Open the email and click the link provided or copy it to your browser's address bar and press Enter.
Provide a username that contains 6 to 128 alphanumeric characters. You can also use the following special characters: . (dot), _ (underscore), - (hyphen), and @ (at sign), but not as the first character. Other special characters, nonalphanumeric characters, and spaces are not allowed. Your username cannot be the same as your password.
Provide a password that contains at least eight characters and at least one letter and one number. Your password is case sensitive. Your password cannot be the same as your username. Weak passwords won't be accepted. A password is considered weak if it's a commonly used password such as password1 or includes repetitive or sequential characters—for example, aaaabbbb or 1234abcd.
Retype your password to confirm.
Select a security question and type an answer. This information is used to verify your identity in the event you forget your password.
Click Create account. You are automatically signed in to the website.